Thursday, February 9, 2012

when reality smacks you in the face

What do you do when reality smacks you right in the face, when you least expect it?  Well, it happened to me on Monday night.  Where I wont go into details here on the web, let me just say there was no way on earth when I woke up on Monday morning - I could have ever thought I would be dealing anything remotely related to my reality when I got home that evening.

It was a night of frustration, fear, uncertainty, worry, emotional cornucopia if you will.

What got me through?  God...simple and straightforward...God.

He gave me the ability to stay calm, rational, and above all else...loving.

The only emotions that were not included in this bundle were hate, and anger.

Thank you God for providing, thank you for your hand so evident in the how the day played itself out.

Without you, our reality today - - would have been much different.  Of that, I am certain.