Monday, August 27, 2012

The woman in the picture

Last week we had a team building day.  It was fun, and I enjoyed it a lot.  However, when the pictures surfaces on Facebook...well that was hard. 

Who was that woman standing there?  I recognized her face, but not her body.  It was so large, so oafish... it was me.

The human mind is a complex and scary thing.  It can take a 100 lb woman and make her feel like she is obese, and it can take a woman who is way overweight and make her feel ok...

For the most part, when I look into the mirror I do not see this large woman.  However, if I glance at my reflection in a store mirror or shinny window...the image always disturbs me.

I have 'talked' about losing weight for years.  However, I continue in the same habits that have gotten me where I am now.

I have tried all kinds of diets and exercise to no avail.   I do not lose weight, then get busy with life and forget to prep food - get hungry - and reach for whatever is available to me.

What it boils down to is the horrible lack of self-discipline.  Honestly that's it.

So, staring at that picture of Facebook...of me...of that person...that shell...I had enough. 

My knees have been begging me to lose it, my hips have been begging me as well.  My body slowly but surely lacking the mobility it once had.  Simply snuggling up on the couch and tucking my legs beneath me is a chore - and will always result in my legs falling asleep.

My clothes just get tighter and tighter - something needs to give.

As I read through my own blog, I find a post back in April of this year.. 'When Subtle Doesn't Work', and I am shocked that I have let 4 months pass without doing much of anything.  Quite embarrassing honestly.  And, to be totally transparent - I did attempt to get going then.  I did the good grocery shopping and bought the right stuff - however preparation fell short and the cookies in the break-room called - and I answered.

Excuse, excuse - I know.

All I can say is - I need to pick myself up - jump back on the wagon - and give it a go.

Questions for any of you who read this.   Weight Loss?  What has worked for you?  Any tips/tricks encouragement from those who have been where I am now - is greatly appreciated!

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.  Philippians 4:13

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