Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Define my Moon...

I just finished a devotional that took me on a 21 day fast.  I chose to fast from something that I had let become too important to me during this time.  This was a personal journey, and in the end, strengthened me and through the 21 days of denial - God met me where I was.

So, how do I move forward after this initial 21 day challenge for myself? Well, I start another.  It took me a little time to find one that spoke to me, but eventually I found it....or maybe I was finally directed towards it.  In any case, here I go.   This 21 day challenge will overlap Advent this year, but that's ok.

One thing that is sticking with me through this 21 day devotional, is something I read on the first day.
"The first moon landing in 1969 was a momentous event in history.  On that day, mankind achieved something that many previously thought impossible.  The amazing thing is that because the wind does not blow on the moon, the footprints of over 40 years ago are still there and will be there for a very long time."
It goes on to talk about how on this 21 day journey of "Living a Divinely Inspired Life", we are in essence, "Leaving our footprints on the moon" as it relates to the fulfillment of our God given purpose for our lives.  The achievement of this goal...what to me seems impossible and unattainable...will only happen with divine intervention.

How true is that?  How often we give up, accept less than, or settle for mundane because 'we' can not figure out how to get from 'here' to 'there'.  It is impossible, we tell ourselves.  It can not be accomplished.

We tell ourselves that it is not our destiny or must not be God's purpose for our lives because 'we' can not get it done.

When what we should be saying is - God, I can't get from 'here' to 'there' - that is blatantly obvious.  However, if it is your will - it will happen.

Therefore, until I hear you say no, or you close this door, I will continue on my journey towards this matter how far out of my comfort zone I go.

In Genesis 12:1-3, God asked Abram (later known as Abraham) to get out of his comfort zone.  Abram had to leave his father's house and step out with faith, out of his comfort zone, out of any comfort zone to the unknown.  One man, obedient to God obeyed and was given a promise for an entire nation.  This was Abraham's Moon, his footsteps of obedience to leave a mark for generation after generation to come.

For the next few weeks, I will be asking God to 'Define my Moon'.  I will ask Him to reveal to me where my footsteps need to make their mark for His purpose (not mine).  I will wait, and listen for Him to show me His will for my life.

I have taken small steps toward this unknown destination as he reveals them to me, and they have never let me astray.  God will never lead you astray.

Have you asked God to define your Moon?  

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