Fighting the negativity...
When you are faced with negativity, how do you react? I think at first, we all try to turn it around... We try to find the positive... We try to establish are more positive footing...
But, when you are continually faced with it, you tend to want to avoid that person, that situation, that area...
So, when you have tried the former, and are then finding yourself resorting to the later....what do you do?
I don't want to relinquish any part of my life to those who desire to remain negative.
What do you do when the one person who is the most negative force you have encountered, makes a comment like....Oh, I can't stand to be around negative people....WHAT?
Here in lies, yet another, comfort zone opportunity. What do I do? How do I react? I can not (of course) walk over and slap that person - hoping they come to their senses and realize that 'they' are in fact he negative force that infiltrates the rest of our lives.
What do you do?
Well, I have come to realize that you have to...just keep swimming. Continually put forth the positive force. Continually establish complaint free zones. Encourage people to voice their frustration over areas that they think are 'broken' only if they can follow it up with a positive suggestion on how to fix the situation - that they so passionately thing is not working.
Think's not just's a way of life. We can choose to focus and dwell on the negative - or we can choose to take the negative, and focus on change, improvement, and forward motion.
I choose positive!
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