Wednesday, August 24, 2011

settling in

It has now been two weeks since I jumped into my current life adventure.  Every day I feel so blessed to have been given this opportunity.

As I look around my office today, still bare and empty, with only a couple minor parts of me on my desk - I take it all in.

How did this happen?  Two months ago, I would have never even imagined this would be my spot on this earth.

My mind is flooded with strings of thought, moments in deep contemplation - sometimes melancholy - of my life journey so far.

There have been many, many bumps in the road, highs and lows, struggles caused by others actions - as well as struggles caused by my actions.  I have been hurt, and I have hurt.  I have been loved, and I have loved.  I have laughed...and been laughed at.

However, all of it....every moment...was building this person...this me that I am today.

Far from perfect, I come completed with scars that are a reminder of a painful past - that have become a badge of strength.  Not by my strength, but the strength God provides - even when you may not ask for it - or you are too weak to speak - He looks down on you and just provides.

Here I am.  This imperfect, flawed person - undeservedly blessed by God.  I may never understand why, but all I can do is......

Take His blessing and in turn bless others
Take His forgiveness and forgive others
Take His strength and be strong for others

but, above all......take His love.....and love others.

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