Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Ripple Effect...

Our lives spill into each other - really that is unavoidable.  The ripple effect happens in all of our lives.

When it first happens, or when we are close to the center it is the worst.  As time goes on the waters begin to settle - not quite back to how they were before...things may never be the same as they were before.

We find that we were carried a bit from the inertia of the ripple.  We look around to see that we did not end up exactly how or where we started when the event first took place and the waters in our lives were disturbed.

Sometimes, we end up in a better place - a place where we didn't even know we wanted to be - until we were there.

Other times it is very bitter sweet.  We miss where we were.  We loved it there.  We lost innocence, trust, security...all things that can easily be disturbed.

Sometimes, when we think we have finally began to feel like our lives are resembling some kind of normalcy - the waters are disturbed once again.

Sometimes by things we do, and sometimes by things done by others - totally outside of our control.

We had a bit of that happen in our family last night.

Someone we had not seen in a long time.  Someone who violently disturbed the waters of our family.  Someone who - not out of the intention to hurt - but simply so wrapped up in themselves - caused ripple effect in our family that touched each and every one of us.

What do you do?  The feelings that rush back...  The emotions that are stirred that had just finally settled...

You pray.  Pray that God will someday at some point reach this person.  Pray that the bitterness they have will be touched by the hand of God and his love.

This is important - however one of the most difficult things I have had to learn to do.

Pray - Just - Pray.

I use to think of it as a weak response, a cop out of sorts.

Then I realized how much strength that requires.

So, this morning as I type this - I ask God to calm the waters in my life.  In my husband's life.  In my daughters life, and in my son's life.

I ask God to speak to my family in love, remove blinders we may have to see his plan.

Learn to be quiet and listen for God's voice.

Exhale, and learn to ride the wave until the waters once again begin to still.

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